Transformation of irrigated agricultural landscapes along with urbanization and its impact to distribution of frog species in Sakai City, central Japan
Possibilities and issues on evaluating the ecosystem services by InVEST at local scales: A case study of Kinki Metropolitan Region Japan
Possibilities of institutional framework for sustainable use of suburban Satoyama ecosystem services in connection to urban center redevelopment: A case study of Sakai City in Japan
An introduction to the Minabe-Tanabe Ume System in Japan as newly recognized FAO GIAHS site: and overview of the application process as an exercise in stakeholder consensus building
Assessing the quantity and connectivity of urban green spaces on private lands in the Osaka metropolitan region, Japan
Communicating climate change: A content analysis of major newspapers of Japan
The influence of the mass media on public concern for climate change in Japan
For better understanding people’s understandings of climate change issues and motivation for taking actions: Japanese case
Public understanding of climate change: their logic and motivation for supporting climate change prevention actions
Public understanding of Climate change: their logic and motivation for supporting Climate Change prevention actions
Longitudinal analysis of public awareness of climate change
The Roles of Japan’s mass-media in reporting climate change science
Mass-media coverage and the public perception of climate change issues: an analysis of a national campaign program in Japan
s international presentation