ホーム > プロジェクト > 英語サイトに連携 英語サイトに連携 Assessing urban agriculture potential: A comparative study of Osaka, Japan and New York City, United States 地域: Possibilities and issues on evaluating the ecosystem services by InVEST at local scales: A case study of Kinki Metropolitan Region Japan 地域: Transformation of irrigated agricultural landscapes along with urbanization and its impact to distribution of frog species in Sakai City, central Japan 地域: Post-disaster recovery linked with pre-disaster land development and damage density of Typhoon Yolanda: Toward better land-use planning in Tacloban City, the Philippines 地域: みなべ・田辺の梅システムーそのランドスケープの特徴と動態的保全に向けた取り組みー 地域: Dynamic wetland mosaic environments and Asian openbill habitat creation in peri-urban Bangkok 地域: Minabe-Tanabe Ume System: Its dynamic landscape characteristics and emerging social networks toward knowledge transfers 地域: 和歌山市内におけるゲンジボタルの分布 地域: ニューヨーク市水源林保全における農業保全地役権の特徴と運用状況 地域: An introduction to the Minabe-Tanabe Ume System in Japan as newly recognized FAO GIAHS site: and overview of the application process as an exercise in stakeholder consensus building 地域: «12345...10...»最後 »